HTML hosting

We are the number 1 platform to host your HTML. We have got years of hosting experience and we put all our experience in 1 service that will completely automate releases of your website. Get your website up and running with Okeezy within 10 minutes. Go to the sign up page.

HTML website online hosting

HTML website hosting has never been easier. When you push your changes to your connected git repository, we’ll automatically update your website. Are you new to git? No worries, it may seem a bit complicated. But with the right knowledge it’s actually pretty easy. Follow our guide to get set up with git.

Free webhosting

Free webhosting is supported by Okeezy. Connect your git repository and we will spin up your website in a matter of minutes. Are you new using git? You can follow this tutorial how to get started with git.

Are you ready to automate your release flow?

Sign up today connect your git repository and we will have your website up and running within minutes!

Sign up now
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